Scopri la Città

The Sacristy of the Cathedral

In the Sacristy of the Cathedral, you can admire the wonderful painting collection by Paolo Caliari, known as Veronese. These frescoes were realised for Villa Soranzo in Treville, demolished at the end of the 19th century. On the ceiling the paintings represent the allegory of Time and Fame, on the right wall there are Justice, Temperance and four ovals with flying cherubs.

The other masterpieces that enrich the Sacristy are: the Supper in Emmaus and the Dedication as Bishop of San Nicolò by Paolo Piazza; the Annunciation by Pietro Damini, painter from Castelfranco  (Castelfranco 1592-1631); the Presentation at the Temple by Palma il Giovane; San Rocco with The Virgin and Child, by Jacopo da Ponte know as Bassano (1515-1592).

Data creazione: 09-07-2020    |    Data ultimo aggiornamento: 09-07-2020